Issue Position: Kentucky Values

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015

1. Protect the Life of the Unborn -- Let there be no doubt -- Hal Heiner is Pro-Life and will be a Pro-Life Governor. A strong Kentucky is one that cherishes the value of life in the womb. He will strengthen Kentucky Pro-Life legislation
and promote programs that provide alternative options for at-risk mothers.

2. Protecting the 2nd Amendment - As a life member of the NRA and sportsman, Hal Heiner will support and vigorously defend the 2nd Amendment and fight those in Frankfort who seek to infringe on that right.

3. Marriage in Kentucky -- Hal Heiner believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman. The people of Kentucky spoke on this issue when they passed a constitutional amendment. Hal Heiner actively supported the amendment campaign, and as Governor, he won't back down in supporting the will of the people.
